Blog Post #9 Why Media Literacy matters in your PLN

Open dialogues about media literacy and information can create conflict, why does this happen?

This week’s video helped explain why there is a conflict between conversations about media literacy and information. Julie Smith first explained what media literacy is and defined it as “the critical questioning of all media we consume” (Miller & Smith, 2021). At first, I was confused about what this concept was but with Smiths’ definition, I realized this isn’t a new concept, as we’ve been exploring this idea already for a few weeks, just without its genuine term. Anyways, throughout the video Smith makes note of news media and I think this really solidified and brought up critical examples of how media literacy and information can create conflict. Smith brought up how news media is a business and at the end of the day, the things they are going to publish and promote will be those that get them the most interest (Miller & Smith, 2021). This can lead to organizations like Fox and CNN to be broadcasting things that necessarily aren’t “credible information” at times. This is where the conflict arises. Many individuals are very opinionated and believe their perceptions of information are fact and when media literacy begins to deteriorate and break down someone’s version of information, these conflicts occur (Miller & Smith, 2021).

What is the benefit of having a PLN that values media literacy?

Having a PLN that values media literacy, values questioning, and seeking out the genuine truth (Miller & Smith, 2021). This is something that is so valuable for a network and can create a space for you and others to create a reliable PLN. When coming together with larger groups it’s hard to decipher fact from fiction but by valuing media literacy you can prioritize questioning and allow for your network to be strongly built on fact (Miller & Smith, 2021).

Miller, J. & Smith, J.(2021, June 6). EDCI 338 – media literacy with Julie Smith. YouTube. Retrieved from

Trilling, B., & Fadel, C. (2009). 21st century skills: Learning for life in our times. SanFrancisco: Jossey-Bass.


  1. yifeiwang

    Hello Ali,

    At first, I was confused about media literacy as well, but I found that it is true that we merely consider it as we acquire knowledge from media. I agree that media literacy would facilitate the creation of a reliable PLN, and it benefits both the creator and the gusts. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on media literacy!


  2. alisonneale

    Hey Ali,

    I like that you pointed out that larger PLNs have a harder time picking out fact from fiction but media literacy can help because you are aware of the bias and possibility of users viewing what you post in the way you did not intend. We all take in and deliver information the way we want to which sometimes does not take into account multiple viewpoints and questioning whether what we see is factual or not.

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