Author: abrucks

Blog Post #10: Engaging your PLN

Consider our guest and their steps in building a podcast relying on a PLN. Can your PLN be used to help professional development post-course? If yes, how? If no, what limitations exist?

Our PLN undeniably is a huge source in professional development and this was echoed through our video this week. Mo Amir touched on this topic through speaking on his own experiences professionally and personally. For example, Amir spoke on how Twitter had allowed him to expand and create relationships/conversations with those in and around his network (Miller & Amir, 2021). From this, he was not only able to make new connections but as these people began to interact and follow him, more individuals were able to catch light of who he is expanding his PLN and thus his podcast (Miller & Amir, 2021)! I think this is a solid example of how his initial PLN with the help of Twitter, was able to expand and grow his professional development in terms of his podcast. Another thing brought up was reputation. The way you promote/express yourself in your PLN can help advance your professional development. If you are an active individual (in terms of work) who upholds the values of your profession, when interacting with those in your PLN on public platforms, other individuals are more likely to reach out and seek your business/work (Miller & Amir, 2021). This obviously means you must uphold a positive reputation in order to not hold back development. One last note that I believe was helpful in terms of professional development was when Amir brought up how his background in a different profession (poli-sci/business) allowed him to progress professionally in terms of his podcast, which isn’t his main career (Miller & Amir, 2021). Having this different background, and thus network, his PLN was more broadened allowing for growth professionally.  

Can your PLN be relied on to open professional opportunities?

Your PLN once again undeniably can be relied on to open professional opportunities. This was made eminent from the topic of having different backgrounds which Amir brought up (Miller & Amir, 2021). For example, having a broad PLN which includes individuals from vastly different networks, can allow you to open up an extensive amount of different professional opportunities. This is made possible through platforms such as LinkedIn which allows you to connect with people you share similar connections with and then drives the potentiality of receiving opportunities professionally.

Miller, J., & Amir, M. (2021, October 24). Edci podcast – 2021-10-24 mo amir. YouTube. Retrieved from

Blog Post #9 Why Media Literacy matters in your PLN

Open dialogues about media literacy and information can create conflict, why does this happen?

This week’s video helped explain why there is a conflict between conversations about media literacy and information. Julie Smith first explained what media literacy is and defined it as “the critical questioning of all media we consume” (Miller & Smith, 2021). At first, I was confused about what this concept was but with Smiths’ definition, I realized this isn’t a new concept, as we’ve been exploring this idea already for a few weeks, just without its genuine term. Anyways, throughout the video Smith makes note of news media and I think this really solidified and brought up critical examples of how media literacy and information can create conflict. Smith brought up how news media is a business and at the end of the day, the things they are going to publish and promote will be those that get them the most interest (Miller & Smith, 2021). This can lead to organizations like Fox and CNN to be broadcasting things that necessarily aren’t “credible information” at times. This is where the conflict arises. Many individuals are very opinionated and believe their perceptions of information are fact and when media literacy begins to deteriorate and break down someone’s version of information, these conflicts occur (Miller & Smith, 2021).

What is the benefit of having a PLN that values media literacy?

Having a PLN that values media literacy, values questioning, and seeking out the genuine truth (Miller & Smith, 2021). This is something that is so valuable for a network and can create a space for you and others to create a reliable PLN. When coming together with larger groups it’s hard to decipher fact from fiction but by valuing media literacy you can prioritize questioning and allow for your network to be strongly built on fact (Miller & Smith, 2021).

Miller, J. & Smith, J.(2021, June 6). EDCI 338 – media literacy with Julie Smith. YouTube. Retrieved from

Trilling, B., & Fadel, C. (2009). 21st century skills: Learning for life in our times. SanFrancisco: Jossey-Bass.

Blog #8: PLN and Education

Before I begin this week, I wanted to make note of the effect I had from this week’s reading and video. While listening to Brad Baker I found myself so attentively drawn in and began wanting to start writing with every topic that arose. I was so engaged in the talk and felt as though I was genuinely there. I also wanted to make note of a few of the individuals Baker brought up. For one, Connie Walker was a familiar name to me as my partner and I religiously watch and listen to anything true crime-related. I have personally followed stories of missing/murdered indigenous women and the number of stories I could name is haunting. His noting of Walker is, in my opinion, so important cause the more awareness we can bring to this prevalent issue, the more coverage and aid we can give to these missing/murdered women. Another individual was Leona Prince, someone I had not heard of before this video. Her Twitter is something I definitely recommend checking out!! As for this weeks’ reading, I found myself so easily engaged as it was so directly relevant to our class. I found myself not feeling lost in the words but instead creating links to our course. This linking kept me so engaged and allowed me to genuinely understand what was being said. One other last thing, in the video when Jesse made note of cancel culture and how we erase rather than allow the individual to reflect and recognize their wrongs, I thought that was relevant and a fair point that I hadn’t really taken the time to think about. Why are we so quick to dismiss instead of trying to offer them the tools to see their wrongs? 

Explore the video provided and reflect on the themes of a PLN in a professional capacity.

Many themes of a PLN in a professional capacity arose from Brad Bakers’ video this week and his professional life allowed for such vital information to be brought up. Bakers’ professional life is filled with, overseeing many indigenous programs, involvement in an anti-racists committee, and being an appointed trustee that oversees land claim issues. A professional portfolio like this allows for such a diverse and mastery of PLN knowledge. To start, Baker mentioned that your professional learning community is your support system (Miller & Baker, 2021). He also noted that those we interact with professionally don’t just support us; they challenge us (Miller & Baker, 2021). This allows us to not only build strong emotional ties to these individuals, but it will enable us to expand our PLN by working harder, reaching out more, and challenging ourselves and those around us. This consequently allows us to become keener to share, listen and participate, which is key to any PLN. 

 Which social media platforms are beneficial in education?

Baker made points on social media that I had never thought of, and these points linked to an abundance of platforms. Baker noted that social media is so beneficial to education as it is a place for an authentic voice (Miller & Baker, 2021). Social media is where individuals can share true stories firsthand. This is so important as firsthand accounts are tremendously more beneficial than second/third-hand stories, as you are receiving the information right from the source (Miller & Baker, 2021). This is also so important as education has been seen to provide pieces of a story rather than the full reality, limiting our learning! Therefore, from this, we can see social media platforms that prioritize individual participation and posting (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc.) are things in which are beneficial towards education. Another important thing to note is Connectivism, which in short “theorizes that technology is reshaping the ways humans create, store and distribute knowledge.” (Veletsianos & Couros, 2010;2014;). Therefore, with connectivism in mind, technology (social media) is an integral piece to our development and growth in education! A really good quote brought up was “Fostering and maintaining connections is critical to knowledge generation” (Veletsianos & Couros, 2010;2014;), this directly links to social media platforms as social media is how our generation connects nowadays. We live in a world where our online presence is how others see us thus, using social media to maintain connection directly affects our knowledge generation! Another quote that also is important is “Learning and knowledge rests in diversity” (Veletsianos & Couros, 2010;2014;), social media is a super diverse platform, you can find people from anywhere in the world with any job and so many different interests. So, if learning and knowledge rest in diversity, social media is a great platform (no matter the specific platform), for our education. One final piece that I thought was a great point, was directly related to social media platforms in which we communicate on forums and in groups. In our readings, it went on to explain that PLNs are vital for “sustained long-term learning for students and facilitators.” (Veletsianos & Couros, 2010;2014;). Then it went on to say that communities based around the course itself, dwindle and die once the course is over, but communities based around communal learning are those in which benefit and expand our PLN (Veletsianos & Couros, 2010;2014;). This was something I hadn’t thought of but it’s such a fair point. I can name a handful of classes that were not communal learning (especially as it was Covid and online) and I genuinely couldn’t tell you the name of one person from those courses and honestly, I haven’t thought of those courses since they finished. So, therefore, communal learning (which includes social media) is so integral to education and the growth of our PLN. 

 Consider the equality that exists when all have the same platform to engage community dialogues.

Baker notes that when individuals can engage in community dialogues, complexity can be broadcast (Miller & Baker, 2021). This complexity shapes these community dialogues and creates a safe place in which equality can be present. By having this environment in which any individual may speak and be heard, they not only experience equality but it allows for others to begin to feel comfortable to share their experiences whether they be similar or completely different. This also notes to what I explained previously about true stories, by allowing for the real and raw truth to be told, it creates a place of true equality where individuals’ experiences are genuinely accounted for and not dismissed or ignored. Baker spoke towards how social media allows for the Squamish Nation to have their true stories about business, education, athletics, etc. which creates a platform for equality as their voices can be added to conversations, they in the past were not able to speak on (Miller & Baker, 2021). 

Consider as an additional piece, when working with the vulnerable sector, how does social media fit into professionalism and regulations?

When working with the vulnerable sector (students), social media and any
online tools play a big part in professionalism and regulations. In terms of
early development, if teachers are sharing opinions that are seen as
controversial this could directly impede on the vulnerable. As students, we
look up to those who teach us at a young age, and being young we are less likely
to question things. This being the case, if students come across a teachers’
page they will most likely take their opinions as facts. This hinders
professionalism and regulations as their personal beliefs will then be
broadcasted and taught to the students whether it was intentional or not. As we
have said before influencers must take caution when using social media and this
is the same case for teachers, people who are role models, and figures for the
young. The things you say online outside of school still can directly affect
their learning and growth.


Miller, J., & Baker, B. (2021, June 10). Brad Baker Edci 338. YouTube. Retrieved November 5, 2021, from

Veletsianos, G., & Couros, A. (2010;2014;). Developing Personal Learning Networks for Open and Social Learning. In Emerging technologies in distance education (pp. 109–128). essay, AU Press.

Blog post #7

What are the benefits of a diverse and inclusive PLN in social media sharing that understands where you are coming from with messaging that impacts the community?

Having a diverse PLN that understands you, can notably aid in expanding/conveying your message about something impacting a community. There’s an abundance of benefits as support can go a long way. For example, having a reliable PLN that believes in your credibility can trigger more interest in your message. This not only can build a following but this slight increase in traffic can allow for people to begin conveying your message to their PLNs. This can cause a domino effect and allow for your message to expand and reach such a varied amount of people that you may not have had the ability to reach. We have noticed from the past couple of weeks just how impactful a diverse and inclusive PLN is, and this is another great example of the positive effects it can have.

Consider the audiences and how we adapt our messaging accordingly.

Knowing our audience will determine a lot about how we configure our messages. This can include things like the tone, relating to emotions/logic/credibility, the platform (Jansen, et al., 2011), what’s important, etc. For example, if I was wanting to speak about climate issues to the students of Uvic I would most likely do it online (as us university students can usually be found online!) and I would make the message be factual but also emotional to really grasp the issue! However, if I was going to convey this message to another demographic, I might use a credible endorsement to better shape my credibility in order to get them to listen and believe me! Knowing your audience is so important in order to not only get success from your messages but to build a lasting impression and thus grow your PLN.

Research our guest and see how they leveraged their network into a campaign.

As I began to look into our guest Markiel Simpson, I came across an article that was super eye-opening. I found an article that spoke about how a man named Svend Robinson posted some tweets which were littered with offensive and distasteful side-comments towards Simpson to support Jim Hanson, who was also a candidate for NDP nomination in federal riding for Burnaby North-Seymour (Smith, 2021). The reason this specific article resonated with me and caught my interest was those who supported Simpson came to his side immediately and began to dismantle Robinson’s tweets. They analyzed that Robinson was making claims that were simply outdated and spoke up against this, just as Simpson does! I think this showcased the importance and the impact of a strong PLN and this revealed how even without action, a PLN can work together to leverage someone! I know this isn’t how Simpson on his own leveraged his network into a campaign, but it does show how his network leveraged his campaign simply because they believe in and support Simpson! (Harrison Johnson makes such strong points, please give this a read. I believe more of us need to understand and really reflect on the messages Robinson is saying. Words and ideas like that, can only continue to hold us back, and by actually calling these individuals out and noting the negative impacts of these words can we begin to dismantle them)

Jansen, S. C., Pooley, J., & Taub-Pervizpour, L., 1967. (2011). Media and social justice (1st ed.). Palgrave Macmillan.

Miller, J. (2021, June 1). EDCI – 338 Markiel Simpson. YouTube. Retrieved October 29, 2021, from

Smith, C. (2021, March 25). Supporters of Markiel Simpson and Jim Hanson Duke it out over Twitter. The Georgia Straight. Retrieved October 29, 2021, from

PLN in The Public Eye

Identify the risks and benefits of engaging with a public audience in a media space – what are the risks for a public figure or person in a position of trust (educator, lawyer, government official)?

Engaging with a public audience in a media space has a lot of benefits but also risks. Interacting with a public audience in a media space allows for such a diverse interaction that can reshape and guide individuals’ opinions. For example, a public audience is extremely vast, with people from all sorts of backgrounds, experiences, communities, and cultures coming together to share their opinion. Another interesting part of this is that media can allow people to be more honest. This is because some individuals choose to create accounts that are an alias and this can allow them to express themselves freely without fear of someone knowing it’s them. This leads to such raw and real opinions and stories, that can expand others’ views and opinions from their interaction in the media space. Risks of course are prevalent though too. Engaging with a public audience can be difficult as I said previously it can be anyone and expressing personal information can be dangerous to your security. 

Risks for a public figure/person in a position of trust, can be astronomical. In terms of a media space, individuals hold a lot of expectations from public figures and trusted people. A public figure is pretty much defined from their supports and their online presence can either drive their success or completely obliterate it. “Cancel Culture” is a good example of the detrimental effects of errors online. Canceling is when individuals deem a person no longer supported by something they have done (online or not). Usually, this is justified for example Harvey Weinstein was canceled a few years ago from his mistreatment and abuse that was shared online from survivors. On the ladder though, there are people who are canceled for simple errors that don’t justify a person being deemed unsupportable. Another “trend” or theme which is arising right now is the canceling of individuals from their prior social media posts. A lot of young figures right now are losing fame and credibility from old tweets and posts that held offensive and racist comments. All this canceling from media presences whether it being current or actions from years prior, a figure is defined by this action in the public eye. 

How do notable individuals use social media?

Notable individuals use social media very consciously. These individuals are generally in the public eye and have a following base. Being that their actions are followed and commonly spoken about (from media coverage), the things they do on their platforms have to have a purpose. Social media is a way to showcase the things they like and what they’re up to personally and professionally. They use it for the same reasons we do (except they can make lots of money from brand deals and marketing their products/brand), however, they are judged on a completely different scale than us. For example, a notable individual with a million followers posting a photo with a product that promotes weight loss could receive backlash for trying to market that product to a young demographic or backlash from trying to sell a product that doesn’t work. I on the other hand could post this and my friends and family who follow me could possibly think it’s weird I’m posting a product that doesn’t work, but I wouldn’t receive hate or lose credibility. All in all notable individuals use social media with the consequences in mind and have to make a conscious effort with all engagement and posts. 

What are the benefits of being in the public eye and having a PLN?

Being a public figure opens many doors and vastly affects your PLN. For example, I have 778 followers on Instagram (not even that many though as spam accounts and random inactive accounts litter my following), these are the individuals who engage with me socially as my posts and actions reach their feed. In contrast to someone with over a million followers on these platforms, they have access to almost anyone they want. If they want to engage with someone in Scotland or someone who works in Tech, these people are easy to find and get a response. I on the other hand must make a bit more effort, as I am a stranger, while people in the public eye are seen as peers/friends from the start. This initial credibility allows for them to expand their PLNs quicker and easier than myself in comparison. Also, imagine if I posted to my story asking a question, I could assume maybe I would get 10 responses depending on the topic as only those very close to me would probably answer, however a person in the public eye could receive thousands of replies as people feel comfortable engaging with these figures in comparison to someone they know of (acquaintance) in their personal lives.

Building community with online tools provided by the employer can be limiting, what are the perceived restrictions and benefits?

Building community with online tools can be restrictive however, also beneficial. Restrictions can be present in communication and expression. Online tone can be lost and what’s trying to be expressed can be read differently than attended. I have sent a handful of messages and have had people think I was angry or sad when I was the opposite, but you don’t have to ques you usually get in person (facial expression, tone, movement), online. Another restriction is the fact you can’t genuinely know what’s true online. Those you interact with and things you are told at times can be very different than what you think because online and behind a screen, people think they can do anything. In contrast, though, there are benefits to building community online. Online tools allow us to reach like-minded individuals easily and allow us to participate in the conversation. Online tools are open to anyone and that means we don’t have to experience exclusion and instead inclusion, helping us expand our thoughts and opinions.  

Delivering information in a connected society requires verifiable resources, how to build a PLN to rely on?

Building a reliable PLN takes a lot of extra effort nowadays. We live in a world where “Fake News” is super prevalent. The number of times I have come across pages and posts about crazy alleged stories is astronomical. This has made researching and fact-checking a must when finding information on something. If we simply take any information we see as fact, our PLN will be littered with unreliable ideas/thoughts which will negatively affect our learning process. All in all, this showcases the importance of fact-checking and only accounting for reliable sources when building our PLN, or else we limit our growth.

How do those, who are veteran storytellers, minimize risk in sharing misinformation?

Making sure to consciously speak to others can help minimize the opportunity of misinformation. By this I’m referencing what was spoken about above, making sure the stories you spread are factual and are built from reliable sources. This conscious action is the only way to stop this misinformation from being spread but it also allows for your credibility to not be ruined. Veteran storytellers have a talent for conveying things but if their credibility is ruined, no one will want to listen anymore, therefore conscious actions are vital. 


Vance, Jody & Miller, J. “EDCI 338 – 2021 – 03 – 21 JODY VANCE.” 03 Mar. 2021. doi:

Hirst, M. (2018). Social Journalism and the Gig Economy. Navigating Social Journalism: A Handbook for Media Literacy and Citizen Journalism. Ch. 6.(pp. 142-143). New York, NY: Routledge.

Blog post #5

Topic : Marketing

Using social media to develop PLN:

Using social media to develop my PLN in terms of a topic around marketing my opportunities are quite vast. Marketing blends the world of business with the psychological and art world. Understanding how to properly project your given advertisement with the knowledge of proper design as well as understanding how it will affect potential clients is vital with marketing. Being that this topic considers a few backgrounds and topics it opens the demographic to who is interested in this topic. My audience for marketing could easily be found from forums with Artists, graphic designers, businesspeople, and even psychologists. Not only is forums and groups a great way of reaching out to people in the particular sector, Currently Instagram and Tiktok are extremely viable sources for like-minded individuals in this topic. Instagram is a place for individuals to post and express their work so finding design and business forward people from hashtags and different pages is very accessible. Another cool trend on Tiktok currently is people taking companies’ logos and rebranding them to look more modern or luxurious! This trend has opened a new door for like-minded marketing individuals to come together and find influencers to build onto their outlooks on marketing and design. So, with all these opportunities to expand a PLN, I would begin by joining forums and engaging with the diverse variety of people linked to marketing to expand my overall beliefs and opinions on the topic. Then from there, I would begin to follow marketing-driven individuals on Instagram to grasp incite from professionals in the field. I would also do the same thing with Tiktok and engage in the comments which can at times have such good insight into a video!

Using PLN to leverage needs of a social media campaign

If I was going to curate a social media campaign around marketing, my expanded PLN from before would allow me to do quite a lot. A social media campaign creates traffic, improves engagement, gains feedback, and hopefully increases sales. By using my diverse Facebook forums, I would be able to create a huge number of connections. Using those connections, I could easily gain traffic and engagement by reaching out to these people but also the forums themselves. Another great way would be through the use of Tiktok. Many individuals are now using Tiktok to gain popularity and interest and by using my account which I made connections with prior through comments and profiles I could reach similar individuals through my fun Tiktok, which also could gain interest from anyone on the app! Tiktok is such a new and amazing way of marketing as if you gain popularity from one video, your whole company/product can quickly rise to fame! Not only could I gain engagement and traffic with my PLN but these connections I curated can be integrated into my campaign, through endorsements and actual participation in the campaign.

My PLN and Inclusion

Inclusion in Business

Inclusion is a word we hear a lot growing up. However, what does it really entail? Well, from my reading of One Without the Other I came to understand it as a concept of equal access and participation (Moore, 2017). This concept in Business (my current program) can be complicated, as it can be an environment of exclusivity especially with social class (which I can say from experience). However, with time and the help of online communication, this industry has progressed in terms of diversity and inclusivity. Nowadays we have access to free business seminars through applications like Zoom, Facebook Live, and YouTube which allows individuals access without the worry of costs, location, qualification, etc. This allows any interested individual access to things, which before these applications, wouldn’t have had access to. This can also break a barrier in terms of language or inability of hearing, as at times, closed captioning is available. We also can see this progress in inclusivity from many other applications such as accessible communication with email and easily made connections through Instagram and LinkedIn. Not only has the business world expanded with Inclusion and Diversity, but it is now a contributing factor in the rating of businesses! As we evolve and begin to become a more accepting and understanding society, businesses as well, have begun to understand this importance.

* How diverse is your existing PLN?

In my PLN I like to think it is diverse however, when really looking at it, those who make up my PLN all fit into a similar category. I’m not saying there isn’t much diversity, I’m just noting that those I interact with and learn from the most, share similarities in terms of social class, location, sexuality. This isn’t regarding my extended PLN as online and in the classroom, I try to connect as much as I can (hard at times when socializing can be tiring haha), but I think this week taking time to really reflect has led me to want to be honest with myself. Without this initial realization, I will never be able to grow my PLN and with time and exploring on and off-campus I will be able to genuinely diversify and expand my PLN.

* In your PLN, are you learning from a variety of voices, or are you the loudest in the room?

I have quite a few voices I learn from especially being on campus and having a business-minded Mother (who is someone who somehow has a bigger personality and voice than me), but I at times can be the person who takes voice. Being that I am this loud and at times overbearing person, when thrown into conversation, when I have a point I can add, I do. This makes for more of a combination of the two in my opinion because I am always open to learning from any person that comes my way, but I just happen to be someone who must also give input when with others.

* Do you participate in a silo of information sharing (similar themes or wide range of interests)?

I think I have a wide range of interests; however, these things do seem to intersect in suspecting but also unsuspecting ways! So, although there is a wide range, they end up connecting and forming this link between ideas. I don’t ever want to hold myself back in terms of learning therefore, I try to expand my knowledge as much as possible and find joy in connecting these different things.

* How can you use a diverse PLN to broaden your views of inclusion?

Inclusion for some is better described as integration as we saw in The Evolution of Inclusion: The past and future of education by Shelley Moore. Therefore, by diversifying our PLN and not just integrating diversity and instead including it through participation and collaboration, you can not only expand your ideas of inclusion but genuinely create a diverse PLN. Think about if you’re PLN was made up of only like-minded individuals who came from the same background /experiences. You would end up gaining perspective from a not really varied group, leading to a basic and almost one-sided thought. However, by including anyone, anywhere, into these thought processes and gaining their perspectives you can begin to build such an expanded idea of inclusion or simply anything!

* In your professional setting of choice, do you think inclusion is actively embraced?

I think nowadays Inclusion is at the forefront of most businesses, I mean inclusivity is a huge part of how customers choose a brand/business. If you hear that a company embraces segregation, more times than not (I hope), you’re most likely not going to give them your business and instead go to their competitors who have a brand you can consciously agree with. Inclusivity and Diversity are now guidelines for businesses, try looking up a business and then putting in [Company name] Inclusivity and Diversity report and see what comes up! You’d be surprised how poor some companies are but also surprised by how well others are doing. I think remembering this is important for me personally because as I begin this journey in this business world, I hope to never lose focus on what really matters. I find myself at times being wrapped up in the importance of “success” or “profiting” however, it’s the way we get there that genuinely matters/counts.

* What is the learning outcome of your PLN and how are you ensuring your exposure to diversity and inclusion?

I guess the learning outcome for my PLN is really to be well-rounded in any aspect possible. I try not to allow anything to ever stop my learning and surround myself with any individual who comes my way which thus doesn’t restrict my PLN (in terms of diversity or Inclusion). However, as said previously, I do have a lack of diversity. This means something in my PLN isn’t working and I’ve come to realize that I need to connect more. I find myself getting sucked into schoolwork that I forget the importance of collaborating and connecting with others. It’s not a purposeful act of not connecting but simply the fact I forgot TO connect. My PLN currently lacks due to my own error in the ways I socialize thus completely stopping my PLNs growth and outcome.  

* How has your thinking about inclusion and PLN evolved after reviewing the videos and readings?

My ideas around Inclusion have definitely expanded through this week’s videos and readings which has greatly evolved my PLN. Inclusion was a fairly broad idea in my mind and not something I sat down to evaluate because for me it was something I already understood, which I now know to be false. Inclusion was this concept I loosely understood and followed however, with this broad sense guiding my PLN how was I ever going to reach inevitable inclusion? I am super glad we expanded on this idea of inclusion as now I can use it as a guiding tool in my networking and focus on surrounding myself with others who also consider the importance of inclusion!

Moore, S. (2017). One without the other: Stories of unity through diversity and inclusion. ProQuest Ebook Central

Moore, Shelley. The Evolution of Inclusion: The Past and Future of Education. 1 Oct. 2018,


My Personal V&R Map

What digital platforms are students currently using to develop their professional network?

Currently, I believe a huge platform that is reinventing networking in a professional aspect is LinkedIn. Having an account is vital for anyone trying to network and gain opportunities. I am in the BCom program and in COM 204: Co-op Preparation, we are diving into a network section primarily centered around LinkedIn. It can be seen as an application that allows you to showcase your resume while also being able to outreach others and allow others to find you. Having a LinkedIn account is almost a necessity in today’s online professional networking world!

What could the student consider in expanding their professional learning network?

Well, to reiterate, definitely creating a LinkedIn account will allow students to expand in ways that they might not even know. I personally have been able to build connections with individuals who are involved in my dream career and making these connections opens the window to work/experience opportunities that may not have been possible. However, although I rave about the use of LinkedIn (it’s like Facebook for professionals!!!), there’s an abundance of different ways to expand your professional learning network (whether it’s online or not). I think a good idea to keep in mind is connections. Being on forums and in groups is good but if you aren’t making these lasting and genuine connections, professionally it’s harder to get what you may be looking for. Professionally and personally, we appreciate someone taking interest in us and the things we know, so by reaching out we can build these lasting and strong professional networks that provide us with genuine outcomes.

Personal Learning Networks and Digital Identity

Personal Learning Networks (PLN), whether we are aware of what they are or not, contribute to our everyday learning and lives. I for one was an individual who was completely unaware of what a PLN was and thus its relevancy in my own life. However, that was quickly changed once I began to explore this week’s readings. I found that a PLN is the place we collect, generate and share information/experiences with groups of connected individuals (Gutierrez, 2016). This links into our other key idea of Digital Identity as our PLNs are developed through the use of our online activities (thus our digital identity), which allow us to view, respond and connect with individuals anytime; anywhere (Gutierrez, 2016).

What does it mean to network using social media?

Networking using social media, to many, is a conscious (and a lot of the time unconscious) everyday practice. Living in 2021, we are so familiar with the use of social media. Our generation lives through these applications whether it’s checking Tiktok, posting on Instagram, communicating through Snapchat, or reading on Reddit. All of these actions are networking using social media even though at times we might not be aware that’s what we’re doing. Think of how many times you have come across a post on Instagram and found out something that relates to your studies and provided you with interesting new information. Have you ever shared those posts to your story or reposted them on your page? did you gain a new follower from this? We’re you able to talk about this post with other like-minded individuals in the comments? Well, that’s networking using social media! The use of these social medias grants us access to communicate with people regardless of timezones, learn new things whether we wanted to see them or not and express our interests to anyone anywhere. In the past, to network we had to go somewhere to meet people or find resources, however now it’s as simple as clicking a button.

How are we motivated to participate in networked publics?

We all experience motivation and drive no matter what it may be towards. It causes us to seek out sources and go to extra lengths. Regarding networked publics, it follows the emerging theme in this blog post, it’s a conscious but also unconscious motivation we have. It is in our nature to seek out those we can relate to and converse with. This can lead us to join Facebook groups of like-minded individuals (I personally am a part of the “Gustavson Commerce Class of 2024” and “Costco Langford Updates”) and forums. This is an act we do throughout our days’ whether it’s to engage in public networks or simply achieve our natural instinct of communication and belonging. A part of the readings this week which I think relates to this question would be as follows:

“Both strong and weak connections contribute to the individual’s learning: strong ties allow for active collaboration on knowledge creation, whereas weak ties are sources for new information, knowledge and ideas (Bell, 2010; Gargiulo and Benassi, 2000; Jones, 2008; Jones, et al., 2008; Ryberg and Larsen, 2008; Wenger, 1998)”

What are the risks & rewards of public communications?

Public communications can lead us to experience and learn things that in everyday life we probably wouldn’t have come across. We don’t have the worry of not being able to communicate due to location and timezones as online we can connect with anyone. We also can express ourselves and our experiences with so many individuals we could have never communicated with without online resources. However, even though we gain all of these amazing new ways of learning and communicating, it still holds many risks. Putting our information online gives up a lot of our privacy that we may not be comfortable providing (Boyd, 2012). When we share things online not only is our system aware of these things but as said before so many people can see it. This can seriously put us in a sticky situation as putting vulnerable information online jeopardizes our security and those around us. Not only do we have to worry about our privacy but the things we post online can have a detrimental effect on our image. When we say/post things online we have to keep in mind that colleagues, future employers, and friends have open access to these posts.

What is a digital identity?

Digital identity essentially is your presence online. Everything you post, interact with, and join is a part of this identity. In short, all aspects of your online actions make up your digital identity. ( be careful what you post, we all can see it, and now it’s a part of your digital identity!! )

How do personal versus professional approaches to digital identity affect social media use?

A personal approach to digital identity leads our social media to look completely different than it would for a professional approach. In personal use, we tend to give a lot more information about our lives while with a professional approach we would keep these more private. Professionally our connections stay very linked but personally, we can expand into such a huge variety of different groups. A personal approach also leads us to post and interact online in a much more vulnerable and open way. Something we would likely refrain from doing from a professional standpoint. Both have such different sides but contribute astronomically to our PLNs (in such interesting different ways, providing us with so much more depth)!

How do digital identities converge in networked publics – what are the impacts and/or benefits?

Our digital identities showcase who we are as individuals and this can allow anyone to get an understanding of who we are as people. This can be super impactful with employers being able to see our strong suits and redeeming qualities however, with them being able to see the positives they also are then able to see the negatives. This means that our digital identities open up an opportunity for our downfalls to be presented to anyone at any time, possibly ruining our potential connections and job opportunities.

References :

Boyd, Danah. (2012). Networked Privacy. Surveillance and Security .

Gutierrez, K. (2016, June 21). What are personal Learning networks? What are Personal Learning Networks? Retrieved from

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